Vacuum Sealing Drainage

Publish Time: 2024-05-14     Origin: Site

What is VSD?

VSD(vacuum sealing drainage ), refers to using polyethylene alcohol-hydrated seaweed salt foam dressing containing drainage tubes to cover or fill wounds with skin and soft tissue defects, and then sealing them with biological semipermeable membranes to make them It becomes a closed space, and finally the drainage tube is connected to the negative pressure source, which is a new treatment method that promotes wound healing through controllable negative pressure.


1.Ensure blood supply to the wound and promote healing: Controllable negative pressure promotes the continuous flow of body fluids in the wound tissue toward the drainage tube, ensuring blood supply to the wound, accelerating local blood circulation, stimulating tissue regeneration, and accelerating the growth of granulation tissue. Thereby speeding up wound healing.

2.Reduce dressing changes, reduce pain, and shorten treatment time: Traditional wound treatment methods require frequent dressing changes, which brings great inconvenience and pain to patients. VSD can significantly reduce the number of dressing changes, allowing patients to spend the treatment period more comfortably.

3.Efficient drainage, all-round, zero accumulation, ensuring drainage effect: VSD can quickly discharge the exudate in the wound through negative pressure suction, so that the drained area can achieve "zero accumulation", and the wound surface can be quickly cleaned, reducing The opportunity for bacterial growth reduces the reabsorption of toxic products by tissues and reduces the risk of infection.

4.Effectively avoid cross-infection: Converting an open wound to a closed wound not only ensures normal ventilation of the skin within the wound, but also prevents external bacteria from entering the wound, effectively avoiding cross-infection.

5.Avoid the formation of dead space and reduce the wound surface: VSD makes the drainage cavity wall indent while draining the exudate. As the medical foam material gradually withdraws, the cavity wall fits closely, effectively preventing the formation of residual abscess and dead space. form. For superficial wounds, it can close the tissue and shrink the wound.

Scope of application of VSD

VSD is widely used in the treatment of various types of trauma, infection, skin defects and other surgical diseases:

1. Large area of skin defect;

2. Various types of skin avulsion injuries and degloving injuries;

3. Open fracture combined with soft tissue defect;

4. Exposed tendons or exposed bones;

5. Chronic osteomyelitis combined with long-term non-healing of wounds;

6. Compartment syndrome;

7. Diabetic foot, pressure injury, etc.

Whether it is large soft tissue defects, open fractures or burns and other wounds that are difficult to heal, VSD can achieve excellent therapeutic effects. However, this type of technology is not suitable for patients with active bleeding, cancer ulcers, and abnormal coagulation function.

Observation and care of VSD

1.Observation of the appearance of the VSD dressing: Closely observe the collapse of the VSD dressing on the wound surface, the shape of the drainage tube in the dressing, the dryness of the edge of the dressing, the presence of tension blisters, and listen for the sound of air leakage with your ears to ensure a complete set of VSD dressings. The unit functions well. If itching or tension blisters appear on the edge, scrub with a 75% ethanol cotton swab, and extract the blister exudate with the cooperation of the doctor.

2.Observation of negative pressure: Maintaining continuous and effective negative pressure on the wound is the key to successful drainage and treatment, and is also the focus of nursing care. Reasonably select the applicable pressure (0.01-0.04MPa) according to the wound condition to ensure that the pressure is appropriate, the VSD dressing is kept in a collapsed state without swelling, and the patient does not feel obvious pain.

3.Care of drainage tubes: Ensure that each pipeline is smooth and tightly connected, and use 3M adhesive tape to properly fix the drainage tube along the direction of the pipeline. If drainage is not smooth, use normal saline to flush it, and replace the drainage tube if necessary; the position of the negative pressure bottle is lower than the wound surface. , which is conducive to drainage. Instruct patients or attendants not to pull, compress, or fold the drainage tube; pay attention to the color, nature, and amount of the drainage fluid and keep records. If a large amount of blood is sucked out of the drainage tube, immediately notify the doctor to check whether the wound is actively bleeding, and appropriately reduce the negative pressure value if necessary; when the capacity reaches 1/2 of the drainage bottle, replace it in time, and all operations must comply with aseptic procedures in principle.

4.Affected limb management: Elevate the affected limb 30° to reduce wound swelling, and use quilts for warmth care.

5.Pain care: Nursing staff evaluate the pain through the patient's facial expression and VAS score. For moderate or above pain, medication is given as directed, and methods such as deep breathing, music therapy, and distraction are used.

6.Dietary management: Conduct nutritional risk screening and instruct patients to eat high-protein, high-calorie, high-vitamin, easy-to-digest diets to promote wound healing.

7.Functional exercise: Instruct patients to perform functional exercises of the affected limb and the healthy limb, mainly local muscle contraction exercises. Patients undergoing lower limb surgery should perform ankle pump exercises, lower limb raising exercises, hip raising exercises, etc. And perform functional exercises of the distal joints to prevent complications such as joint stiffness. At the same time, do functional exercises such as deep breathing and effective coughing and sputum to avoid the occurrence of pulmonary complications.

8.Psychological care: Introduce in detail the contents of VSD treatment of wounds, eliminate the patient's nervousness, enhance the patient's self-confidence, and enable them to actively cooperate with treatment and care.


In short, VSD, as an advanced medical technology, has brought revolutionary changes to wound treatment. It can not only accelerate wound healing and reduce patient pain, but also improve treatment effects and reduce the incidence of complications.

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